보 도 자 료

2016. 5. 9. (월)

작 성


문 의

국정운영실 외교안보정책관실

외교심의관 김창식 / 사무관 하지영

(Tel. 044- 200- 2135)

* 즉시 사용

한- 쿠웨이트 총리회담, 상호 교류‧협력 강화키로

-  황 총리, 작년 우리 대통령 쿠웨이트 방문 후속 조치 추동 및 실질 협력 확대 기대

-  자베르 총리, 에너지, 건설·플랜트 등 전통적 협력 기반을 바탕으로 쿠웨이트내 신도시 건설, 보건의료 분야에서 실질적 협력 확대 희망

□ 황교안 국무총리는 5.9(월) 오전 정부서울청사에서 공식 방한한 자베르(Jaber) 쿠웨이트 총리와 회담을 갖고, 작년 3월 박근혜 대통령의 웨이트 방문 결과 후속 이행 현황을 점검하는 한편 에너지, 건설,신도시 개발, 보건의료, 문화, 교육 협력 방안 등 양국간 주요 협력 사안에 대해 의견을 교환하였다.

□ 황 총리는 자베르 총리 취임 후 첫 방한을 환영하고, 양국이 1979년수교 이래 공고한 우호협력관계를 발전시켜 왔으며, 특히 작년 우리대통령의 쿠웨이트 방문 계기로 양국간 협력이 에너지, 건설·플랜트 등전통적 협력 분야를 넘어 보건·의료, 신도시 개발, 문화, 교육 등으로 확대되고 있음을 평가하였다.

□ 자베르 총리는 쿠웨이트측은 양국이 수교 이래 이룩해온 관계 발전에 자부심을갖고 있으며, 특히 걸프전 당시 한국의 지원에 감사하고 있다고하면서, 한국 기업들과의 더 많은 협력과 한국의 발전 경험 및 첨단기술의 전수를 희망하며, 양국간 고위급 교류와 정부, 민간 차원의 협의체개최등을 통해 호혜적 협력을 확대·발전시켜 나가기를 바란다고 하였다.

 이와 관련, 자베르 총리는 한국 기업과 근로자들의 쿠웨이트 발전에 대한 기여를 평가하면서 앞으로도 주택·에너지·인프라·상하수도·전철·스마트 기술 등 여러 분야에서 협력 발전의 여지가 크다며, 쿠웨이트의국가 발전 프로젝트에 한국 기업들이 많이 참여하기를 기대하고, 원유도 지속적이고 안정적으로 공급할 것임을 약속드린다고 하였다.

ㅇ 황 총리는 최근 우리 기업의 LNG 수입터미널 수주 등 건설·인프라 분야에서 양국간 긴밀한 협력에 사의를 표하고, 우리 기업들이 참여를 추진하고 있는 담수화 프로젝트 등에 있어서도 쿠웨이트측의관심과 협조를 당부하였으며, 금일 체결된 「사우스 사드 알- 압둘라신도시 개발협력 MOU」 및 「LNG 산업 분야 포괄적 협력 MOU」 등이 성공적으로 이행되어 건설·에너지 분야에서의 협력이 더욱 발전되기를 기대하였다.

□ 양 총리는 경제개발 지식공유사업(KSP), 보건·의료, 교육, 문화, 관광및 과학·연구 등에서도 양국간 협력의 새로운 지평을 넓혀 나가자는데 의견을 같이 하였으며, 특히 금번 방한시 「환자송출 MOU」와 「의사연수 시행합의서」 체결의 의의를 평가하고 원활한 이행을 통해 보건·의료 분야의 협력이 더욱 활성화되어 나가기를 기대하였다.

ㅇ 양측은 제3국 공동 투자를 포함한 투자 협력 및 양국 기업인들간의 협력 증진을 위한 비즈니스 포럼, 워크샵 등 협의체의 정례적 개최도 검토해 나가기로 하였다.

□ 양측은 또한 북한의 핵실험과 미사일 발사 등 도발 행위를 비난하고 관련 유엔 안보리 결의의 완전한 이행에 대한 지지를 확인하였다.

□ 금일 양국 총리회담에 이어 「사우스 사드 알- 압둘라 신도시 개발 협력 MOU」, 「환자송출 MOU」, 「의사연수 시행합의서」, 「LNG 산업분야포괄적 협력을 위한 MOU」, 「석유·가스 및 에너지산업 협력 MOU」등 5개의 MOU가 체결되었으며, 특히 「환자송출 MOU」와 「의사연수 시행합의서」 체결로 쿠웨이트측이 정부 부담으로 중증환자들을

우리 국내로 송출하는 제도적 기반이 마련되고 쿠웨이트내 의료 인력에 대한 심화 교육·연수가 제도화됨으로써 양국간 보건·의료 협력이 더욱 활성화될 것으로 기대된다.

ㅇ 또한, 「사우스 사드 알- 압둘라 신도시 개발 협력 MOU」 체결로 쿠웨이트 신도시 개발 진출 기반이 조성되었으며, 향후 LH측이 사업계획 수립 및 사업성 분석 등을 진행시켜 나갈 예정이다.

※ 「교육협력 MOU」는 양국 교육장관 회담시 별도 체결(5.9 오후)

□ 금번 자베르 총리의 방문은 공고한 양국 관계를 바탕으로 양국간의기존 협력을 심화시키고 새로운 분야로의 협력 확대를 보다 구체화하는 유익한 계기가 되었으며, 양측은 동 회담 후 금번 방한 성과를 반영한 공동언론성명(Joint Press Statement)을 발표하였다. 

※ (첨부) 공동 언론성명(국·영문)

【 첨부 】

한- 쿠웨이트 공동 언론성명(비공식번역)

2016.5.8- 11간 자베르 알- 무바라크 알- 하마드 알- 사바 쿠웨이트 총리 공식방한 계기

1. 대한민국과 쿠웨이트간의 우호협력 틀 안에서 양국간 파트너십을 발전시키고 촉진하기 위하여, 대한민국 정부의 초청으로 자베 알- 무바라크 알- 하마드 알- 사바 (Sheikh Jaber Al- Mubarak Al- Hamad Al- Sabah) 쿠웨이트 총리가 고위대표단과 함께  2016.5.8- 11간 대한민국을 공식방문하였다. 

2. 자베르 총리는 박근혜 대한민국 대통령을 예방하였다.

3. 이번 방한 중 자베르 쿠웨이트 총리와 황교안 대한민국 국무총리는 대표단을 이끌고 공식 양자 회담을 가졌다. 

4. 대한민국 정부는 자베르 총리의 금번 방한에 대해 한- 쿠웨이트 양국간 협력을 더욱 증진하는 소중한 기회였다고 강조하면서 큰 중요성을 부여하였다. 

5. 양측은 양국간 관계를 일층 심화시킨 박근혜 대통령의 쿠웨이트 방문 성과를 높이 평가하였다. 또한 양측은 상호협력 관계 발전에 대한 만족감을표시하였으며, 양국 및 양국 국민의 공동 이익을 지속적으로 추구해 나가자는 확고한 의지와 용의를 확인하였다. 아울러, 양측은 경제 분야를 포함한 공동의 관심분야 전반에 대해 의견을 교환하였으며, 투자 증진 및 상거래 촉진 등 양국간 협력의 새로운 지평을 열기로 하였다. 

양측은 아래 분야에 대하여 논의하였다.

I. 양자 협력

1. 쿠웨이트측은 자국 경제 활성화 및 다변화 계획안을 제시하면서, 2020년 목표 단기 개발 계획과 2035년 달성을 목표로 하는 장기 개발 계획을 소개하였다. 특히, 과학ㆍ기술 분야에서 모범적 발전을 이룩한 대한민국이 쿠웨이트의 장ㆍ단기 개발 이행에 있어서 중요하고도 효과적인 역할을 해주길 희망하였다.

2. 양측은 2015년 3월 제1차 경제포럼과 2015년 11월 제2차 경제 포럼의 성공적 개최를 평가하고, 이와 같은 경제 포럼들이 양국 민간 분야간 활발한 소통 및 경제, 무역, 투자 등 공통 관심사에 대한 다양한 논의 기회를 제공하였음을 평가하면서 지속적 개최가 필요함을 확인하였다.

3. 양측은 대한민국 기획재정부 장관 및 쿠웨이트 재무장관이 주재하는 한- 쿠웨이트 공동위원회가 양국 관계 발전 및 새로운 협력 분야 발굴을 위해 필수적으로 중요한 기제임을 확인하였다. 양측은 2007년 3월 개최된제1차 한- 쿠웨이트 공동위 후속으로 가까운 시일내 제2차 공동위 개최를 위한 노력을 지속해 나가기로 합의하였다.

4. 양측은 쌍방간 무역·투자의 발전 및 증진, 그리고 경제기관들과 민간부문을 포함하는 상호 소통 강화의 중요성을 강조하였다.

5. 양측은 상호 투자 확대에 합의하였으며, 쿠웨이트는 이를 위해 외국으로부터의 투자를 용이하게 하기 위한 법규와 절차를 발전시키고 외국인 투자가를 지원하기 위한 세법 개정 등의 노력을 지속해왔음을 확인하였다. 대한민국 또한 외국으로부터의 투자 및 상거래와 관련하여 최상의 조건과적합한 환경을 제공하고 있음을 확인하였다. 양측은 문화, 교육, 보건 등 다양한 분야에서의 협력 확대 의지를 표명하였다.

6. 양측은 양국 관계기관들이 교역, 투자, 경제정책 분야 등의 협력을 증진시켜 나갈 것을 장려하기로 하였으며, 사바 알 아흐마드 알 자베르 알 

사바(Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad Al- Jaber Al- Sabah) 쿠웨이트 국왕의 「쿠웨이트 비전 2035」 이니셔티브가 양국간 무역 및 투자를 촉진시키고전략적 경제 협력 관계를 강화하는 새로운 기회를 열 것이라는 데에 의견을같이하였다. 대한민국측은 걸프협력이사회(GCC : Gulf Cooperation Council)가 대한민국의 필수적인 교역 파트너임을 확인하면서 세계 경제의 안정에 있어서 걸프협력이사회의 중요성을 강조하였다. 

7. 양측은 호혜적 이익을 위한 협력을 촉진시켜 나가고 관계기관간 더 많은 양자 교류를 갖기로 합의하였다.

8. 양측은 신도시 건설 분야에서 협력이 증대되고 있음을 평가하고 양국의 경제 및 사회 발전 지속에 있어서 에너지 협력이 필수적인 역할을 하고 있음을 확인하였다. 

9. 양측은 세계 경제 성장에 있어서 국제 원유 가격의 안정이 초석이라는데 의견을 같이하였으며, 대한민국측은 쿠웨이트측의 지속적인 원유 공급 보장에 사의를 표하고 원유 및 가스 분야에서 양국 간 장기적 협력을 희망하였다. 양국은 에너지, 산업 및 여타 주요 분야 등에서 협력 발전을 강조하였다.

10. 양측은 문화, ICT, 교육, 과학 연구, 민항, 보건, 미디어, 스포츠 등 분야에서 공동의 노력을 배가시키기로 합의하였으며, 특히 의학, 보건 의료 서비스 및 신도시 건설 등 새로운 분야에서의 협력을 강조하였다.

11. 또한 양측은 서로의 문화와 국민에 대한 이해 및 상호 인식을 증진시키기 위하여 문화적 교류를 강화하기로 합의하였다.

II. 지역 문제 관련 협력

1. 양측은 현 국제정세에 관한 의견을 교환하고, 국제 평화·안전 증진 등 양국의 입장이 유사한 사안과 관련하여 유엔 및 여타 국제기구에서 협력을 강화하기로 합의하였다. 

2. 위와 관련 쿠웨이트측은 특히 대한민국이 1990년 걸프전 당시 의료지원과 공군수송대를 파병하였던 중요한 역사적 순간을 회고하고, 국제 평화와 안보를 위한 대한민국의 주도적 역할을 높이 평가하였다. 양측은 국제 정세 관련 효과적인 의견 교환을 위한 정책 대화 협의 및 고위급 교류 확대에 관심을 표명하고 의회 차원 교류의 중요성도 언급하였다. 아울러, 중동과 동북아 등 지역 및 국제적 차원에서의 평화, 안보, 안정을 위해 이와 같은 논의를 국제적 포럼 및 국제기구 등을 통해 갖기로 하였다. 

3. 북한에 의해 자행된 핵실험과 미사일 발사와 관련하여, 양측은 북한의 도발 행위를 비난하고 관련 유엔 안보리 결의들의 완전한 이행에 대한 지지를 확인하였다. 

4. 양측은 특히 시리아와 이라크를 포함한 중동 지역의 상황에 대한 심각한우려를 공유하고, 상호 관심 사안들에 대한 논의와 협력을 지속해 나가기로합의하였다. 양측은 또한 중동에서 국가관계의 관리 및 수행에 있어 유엔 헌장과 안보리 결의들의 목적과 원칙을 따라야한다는 의지를 확인하였다. 이와 관련, 대한민국측은 2016년 4월 21일부터 시작된 예멘 평화회담을 쿠웨이트가 개최한 것은 중동 지역의 평화와 안정을 위한 쿠웨이트의 중요한 기여로 인정된다고 평가하였다.

양측은 양국간 긴밀한 우호 관계를 반영하여 금번 회담이 시종일관 건설적인 협력 분위기 속에서 진행되어 생산적인 결과가 도출되었다고 만족스럽게 평가하였으며, 이 같은 회담이 지속적으로 개최되는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조하였다. 자베르 총리는 황교안 국무총리에게 편리한 시기에 쿠웨이트를 방문해 주도록 초청였으며, 황교안 국무총리는 동 초청을 수락하였다.

Press Statement Between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Korea on the Occasion of the Official Visit of His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al- Mubarak Al- Hamad Al- Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, to the Republic of Korea from 8- 11 May 2016

1. Upon the kind invitation of the government of the Republic of Korea, and within the frame of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the State of Kuwait and with the desire to develop and promote their partnership, His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al- Mubarak Al- Hamad Al- Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, paid an official visit to the Republic of Korea from 8- 11 May 2016, heading a high- level delegation.

2. His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al- Mubarak Al- Hamad Al- Sabah, Prime Minster of the State of Kuwait, paid a courtesy call on Her Excellency Park Geun- hye, President of the Republic of Korea.

3. During the visit, H.H. Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait met with his Korean counterpart His Excellency Hwang Kyo- ahn, Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. The two leaders headed their delegations in formal bilateral talks.

4. The Korean side attached great importance to the visit of H.H. Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait to the Republic of Korea, stressing that the visit provided a valuable opportunity to further enhance cooperation between the two nations.

5. The two sides praised the fruitful outcomes of the visit of Her Excellency Park Geun- hye, President of the Republic of Korea, to the State of Kuwait that further strengthened bilateral relations between the two countries. They also expressed their satisfaction with the development of mutual cooperation, 

affirming their determination and full willingness to continue fulfilling the common interests of the two friendly peoples and nations. Furthermore, the two sides shared views on the overall issues of common interest, including the economic field, where both sides agreed to open new horizons for cooperation which would increase investment and promote commercial exchanges.

The two sides discussed the following fields:

I. Bilateral Cooperation

1. The State of Kuwait offered its views toward activating and diversifying the Kuwaiti economy and presented its short- term development plans for the year 2020 and the long- term development plan for the year 2035, expressing the hope that the Republic of Korea will play distinct and effective roles in the implementation of both plans as the nation achieved an exemplary level of technological and scientific progress.

2. The two sides acknowledged the accomplishments of the successful economic forums between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Korea -  the first in March 2015 and the second in November 2015 -  and confirmed the need to continue holding such forums as they provide numerous opportunities for the private sectors of the two nations to communicate actively and discuss matters related to joint- fields of economy, trade and investment.

3. The two sides recognized the importance of the Korea- Kuwait Joint Committee chaired by the Minister of Strategy and Finance of the republic of Korea and the Minister of Finance of Kuwait as an essential tool for the development of bilateral relations and a means to explore new areas in the two countries. As a follow- up to the first Joint Committee held in March 2007, the two sides agreed to make greater efforts to hold the second Korea- Kuwait Joint Committee in the near future.

4. Both sides placed great importance on increasing and developing two- way 

trade and investment as well as enhancing communication between the two countries involving their economic institutions and the private sectors.

5. The two sides agreed to increase investment between the two countries, and to this end the State of Kuwait affirmed that it has made efforts to develop its laws and procedures to ease foreign investment and modify existing tax laws to assist foreign investors. The Republic of Korea reaffirmed that it is fully committed to providing optimal conditions and a suitable climate for foreign investment and other commercial transactions. The two sides also conveyed their desire to expand cooperation in other fields including culture, education and health.

6. The two sides encouraged the authorities of the two countries to enhance cooperation in the fields of trade, investment and economic policies. Moreover, both sides agreed that Kuwait Vision 2035, which was the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad Al- Jaber Al- Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait, would further promote trade and investment and ultimately pave new roads toward a stronger strategic economic partnership between the two nations. The Korean side stressed the importance of the Gulf Cooperation Council in maintaining stability in the global economy, pointing out that the Gulf Cooperation Council is a crucial trade partner for the Republic of Korea.

7. The two sides agreed to contribute to the promotion of cooperation in the areas of mutual benefit and hold more bilateral exchanges between relevant authorities.

8. Both sides praised the growing cooperation in the field of building new cities and also recognized the vital role that energy cooperation plays in the enduring economic and social development of the two nations.

9. The two sides shared the views that the stability of global oil prices is the cornerstone for the growth of the global economy, and the Korean side expressed appreciation to the government of the State of Kuwait for 

ensuring the continuation of oil supplies as well as hope for a long- lasting cooperation between the two nations in this area of oil and gas. In addition, the two sides stressed developing the economic cooperation especially in the energy, industrial, and other key fields.

10. The two sides agreed to re- double joint efforts in the fields of culture, information technology, education, scientific research, civil aviation, health, media and sports, with particular emphasis on the new fields of medical science, provision of health care and the construction of new cities.

11. The two sides also agreed to strengthen cultural cooperation, with a view to increasing mutual awareness and understanding of each other's culture and people.

II. Regional Cooperation

1. The two sides shared views concerning the current situations, and they agreed to strengthen cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations regarding issues where both their positions are close, such as the promotion of international peace and security.

2. In this regard, the State of Kuwait commended the Republic of Korea for its leading role in boosting international peace and security, recalling the notable moment in history where the Republic of Korea dispatched medical support and air transportation teams to the State of Kuwait for the latter's liberation in 1990. Furthermore, the two sides indicated their interests in increasing political dialogue and consultations as well as intensifying high- level exchanges in order to effectively share their views toward political issues, and expressed the importance of increasing the parliamentary visits. Moreover, they agreed to hold such dialogues and consultations through international forums and organizations to achieve peace, security and stability at the regional and international levels, especially in the Middle East and Northeast Asia.

3. In regard to the nuclear tests and the missile launches conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, both sides denounced the provocative actions taken by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and affirmed their support for the full implementation of the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions. 

4. Both sides shared serious concern about the situations in the Middle East especially in Iraq and Syria, and agreed to continue their consultations and cooperation on the issues of mutual interest in this regard. They reaffirmed their determination to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Security Council resolutions in managing and conducting state relations in the Middle East. To this end, the Korean side expressed appreciation for Kuwait’s hosting of the Yemeni peace talks that began on April 21 2016, recognizing it as an important contribution by Kuwait to the Middle Eastern peace and security.

The two sides expressed their satisfaction with the productive outcome of the meeting and the constructive spirit of cooperation that prevailed therein, which reflected the close relations binding the two friendly nations, stressing at the same time the importance of continuing such meetings. Furthermore, H.H. the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait extended an invitation to H.E. Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea to visit the State of Kuwait at a convenient time, and H.E. Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea accepted the invitation.